Saturday, March 7, 2009


I am finally done with the book Dial L For loser by Lisi Harrison, and I am now ready to move onto the next book in the series It's Not Easy Being Mean. While reading today I came across this quote, My palms became clammy, and my insides bunched up, and it brought memories from elementary school. I went to a Performing Arts School so we had to sing, dance, and perform drama plays, everyday. Once a year, we had this huge show that was called the Janurary Show. We performed everything we had learned that semeser to family, friends, and the public. Right before I would go on stage every year my stomch would flip I got so scared, but then while I was on stage I would have the time of my life. This quote brought back up memories, of when I was little. I believe this quote is very true, from my experience.

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