Wednesday, April 22, 2009

4.22.09 It's not Easy being Mean

Hey Everyone I haven't posted a new reading journal in a while, so let me update you on my new book. I have continued reading the Clique Series, and I am on It's Not Easy Being Mean by Lisi Harrison. So far in my book, the Pretty Commitee just got a letter from the most popular girl in 8th grade, about a secret room at their school. They can call it their own secret room and decorate it however they want if they just find out which guy has the key. Since there are other Cliques participating they have to hurry fast. Claire hasn't been able to help and the other girls are getting mad because she is in New York and she just got asked to be in a new movie, but she isn't sure if she should take the job or not, she is worried about leaving Cam and the girls. Well Claire leaving isn't that big of a deal to some girls all they want is that room to themsleves. The girls started making lists of all the guys that very popluar 8th grade girl has kissed and are planning to use the guys to get into their house to look under their matress for the key. Who knows if thats a good idea or not ? Find out more later , im just going to have to continue reading !

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