Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cyrano De Bergerac 5.17.09

I am finally done reading the play Cyrano De Bergerac. While I was reading Act 4 I came across the quote "Oh, don't take it so hard. I drove into this madness. Every woman needs a little madness in her life." I believe this quote is true, in some ways depending on the woman. This is because my mom's friend Carla used to watch my sister and I everyday on the week days after school, she made us run around like maniacs. We would have to pick up kids here and there take them to their after school activities go to Costco make dinner, clean the house then pick all the kids up. It soon became a daily routine, and she couldn't sit still she always had to be running around, and to this day everyone still calls her run around Carla, because she always needed a little craziness in her life. This quote reminded me of those days, it brought back good memories of when I was little. So I do sort of agree with this quote, because I know that she has to have a little madness in her life. I think Cyrano was trying to say don't take it personally, I brought you into this drama, and I don't really feel bad about it , because girls can handle drama they need some madness or drama in their life's that is what girls do. This play was really hard for me to understand, and very confusing, but I am glad I got to experience it because I have never read a play before.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cyrano de Bergerac 5.7.09

This play was basically about a man named Cyrano who has a very big nose. So he thinks that no girl would ever like him so he tried to make himself a personal hero, while doing that he falls in love with his cousin named Roxane. To be quite honest I didn't really enjoy the play and it was kind of confusing. Here is a quote that I found while reading this play. "Swine! Did I not forbid you to appear?" this quote is from Act 1 and I thought it was funny, becuase swine flu is a very popular topic at the moment, and even if he isn't talking about the flu I still found it funny, how a word I have never heard of before all of a sudden pops up everywhere. Thats all for now more to come later.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Sealed with a Diss

I am now reading the next book in the Clique series Sealed with a Diss by Lisi Harrison. So far The Pretty Comittee girls were introduced to their new and private living space located on the campus of Octavian Country Day School. The room was AH-MAZING ! and it also included something suppeerr special a secret room to spy on the boys, and their new EPS class. Where the boys talk about their girlfriends, or the girls that they are intersted in, with help from a counselor. Claire is really excited to see what Cam is going to say about her , while the other girls or more intersted in how they will be able to spy without them seeing. the 8th grade alphas set up a teddy bear with a camera inside and a computer monitor, so they will have full sight on the whole class. The girls are super excited and I wonder what is going to happen next, I guess im just going to have to keep reading !

Dramatic Structure

1. The Jungle Book

2. Setting: The jungle
Conflict: He wants to stay in the jungle but they aren't letting him
Inciting moment: When the panther found Mogaly crying.
Who is...
Protagoniat: Mogaly
Antagoniat: Tiger

3. Introduction: mongally growing up with the cubs.
Rising Action: The fire
Climax: The panther takes him to the village
Resolution: He liives in the man village.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

4.22.09 It's not Easy being Mean

Hey Everyone I haven't posted a new reading journal in a while, so let me update you on my new book. I have continued reading the Clique Series, and I am on It's Not Easy Being Mean by Lisi Harrison. So far in my book, the Pretty Commitee just got a letter from the most popular girl in 8th grade, about a secret room at their school. They can call it their own secret room and decorate it however they want if they just find out which guy has the key. Since there are other Cliques participating they have to hurry fast. Claire hasn't been able to help and the other girls are getting mad because she is in New York and she just got asked to be in a new movie, but she isn't sure if she should take the job or not, she is worried about leaving Cam and the girls. Well Claire leaving isn't that big of a deal to some girls all they want is that room to themsleves. The girls started making lists of all the guys that very popluar 8th grade girl has kissed and are planning to use the guys to get into their house to look under their matress for the key. Who knows if thats a good idea or not ? Find out more later , im just going to have to continue reading !

Saturday, March 7, 2009


I am finally done with the book Dial L For loser by Lisi Harrison, and I am now ready to move onto the next book in the series It's Not Easy Being Mean. While reading today I came across this quote, My palms became clammy, and my insides bunched up, and it brought memories from elementary school. I went to a Performing Arts School so we had to sing, dance, and perform drama plays, everyday. Once a year, we had this huge show that was called the Janurary Show. We performed everything we had learned that semeser to family, friends, and the public. Right before I would go on stage every year my stomch would flip I got so scared, but then while I was on stage I would have the time of my life. This quote brought back up memories, of when I was little. I believe this quote is very true, from my experience.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dial L For Loser

This book doesn't have very good quotes, it is all meaningless, but as I continued reading I came across this: It was written with Reese's Pieces on a gigantic chocolate chip cookie and displayed in the vestibule on a round mirrored table next to a tall vase of sunflowers. I thought that sounded really cool, and descriptive. I am very hungary right now so, so this quote makes my mouth water. I . I feel as if i have a connection with this quote because it sounds so real. This book makes me feel as if I was there I can imagine what it is like. Maybe next reading journal I will have come across words that actually mean something.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dial L For Loser QQC

So today I have read over 50 pages, and it seemed really hard to find a quote. I wanted it to be meaningful but there just wasn't one. After reviewing what I had read I came across this quote, "They jumped up on the bed and screamed and hugged and bounced while the dog got tossed about like a kernel in the air popper." This quote remined me of myself. I remember a time I was super excited to go to Walt Disney World, my sister and I were jumping on the hotel bed and my mom's suitcase was on the bed and it fell off and her clothes got knocked onto the floor, and while I was reading this sentence it brought back good memories! I guess this quote means they were really excited, and they weren't being of the dog.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dial L for Loser

I am reading a book called Dial L for Loser by Lisi Harrison. While I was reading I found a quote. When I read this quote, "The smell of roses and vanilla scented candles flooded the hall." I could smell it. I could smell the candles, and I felt like I was there, like I was walking down the hall of happiness, and love. When I read this sentence it didn't really raise any questions for me but I would really like it if my room smelt like roses, but I have noticed latly that when I read I like to picture the scene, and I always wonder what it would be like to be at that place.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dail L For Loser 2 QQC

Quote: Her stomach was locked and her nerves held the keys.
Question: I understand how excited the girls are in my book, but I dont understand why the excitement is making them mean to Claire?
Comment: I think it is a great quote and it is very true, your nerves make your stomach flip flop.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Media means communication, as radio, tv, newspapers, or magazines to influence people. adressing concerns, needs, gossip, and much more. Media isnt just talking to one person it is communicating with several. Media can also be through desinger clothes or anything with a name on it. Because it advertises the brand. to get people to buy it. Until today I never knew so much about media and what it is but now I have a better understanding. it is a very broad topic.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Dial L For Loser

I just started reading Dial L For Loser by Lisi Harrison. They just recieved the confirmation that they had ofically been expelled from OCD private school. So, everyday the Pretty Commitee has been meeting at starbucks, and then going shopping after. Their life is really simple and easy going right now, not cares or worries about ever going back to school. I wonder if their parents are going to change their minds and make them go to public school? Clarie's x-friend Layne has scheduled a protest to try and get them back at OCD. The pretty commitee has just snuck onto the campus to watch the protest. I wonder if they are going to get caught? I guess, I will just have to keep reading to find out what happens next...