Sunday, September 7, 2008

Breaking Through Post 2

At the moment i am on chapter 17, but I can really relate to the chapter A Typing Machine. Reading this chapter made me remember typing in elementary school, when we had computer lab once a week. The teacher was really strict he tryed to make us type fast. It was always a little diffucult for me and i sometimes felt embarrased, because i was the slowest typer in the class, but once i started practicing more i got better. (Just like what happened in the book when he was given the type writer).

In the chapter Turning a Page It made me happy that he wants to go to college. Most of my family went to college so i dont really have a choice. I cant imagine the feeling of having my dad try to talk me out of going. I am very proud that he is comitted to what he wants to do. So when he went to visit Cal Poly it made me think of how srtong he was, to not give up his dream of becoming a teacher.

I really enjoy reading this book and i hope it gets even better from here!!!

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